Saunders' Jersey joy
By TMX Archives on 15th Mar 07

JERSEY Classic and Modern Trials Club held its Jersey Telecom's Two-Day trial and there was a healthy entry of competitors who travelled from Germany, Spain, France, UK and Guernsey, giving the event a truly international flavour, including Steve Saunders on the four-stroke Beta.
The Premier Pre-65 class had a strong entry, with the Mick Grant onhis 500 Ariel, together with Chris Denny on the lightweight James. Lastyear's Premier Twin-shock winner, Bob Gent, headed a strong field inthe class.
There was a 10am start on the Saturday, with competitors covering a15-section, four-lap course on the north of the Island. The weather wassunny and warm and the course very slippery in places, due to theovernight rain. At the end of the first day it was no surprise to findSteve Saunders leading the Expert class, Premier Pre-65 class sawGraham du Feu leading and Bob Grant leading the Premier Twin-shockclass and local Clubman rider, Richard Mollet leading his class.
Saturday night some 85 people attended the Hotel Savoy for a socialevening and dinner, where some fun awards were handed out and theInter-Island Trophy was presented, with Jersey the winner!
Jersey (Jersey Classic & Modern Trials Club)
Pre-65 Easy: Neil Walker (UK Francis Barnet) 77 marks lost, Mark Corlett (Guernsey BSA) 92.
Twin-shock East: Ramon Palau (Spain Honda) 188, M Ernst (Germany Yamaha) 119, Robert Mudarra (Spain Montesa) 115.
Easy Modern: Dave Radford (UK Gas Gas) 60, Chris Fox (Jersey Gas Gas) 63, Lee Gavey (Jersey Gas Gas) 132.
Novice: Dave Morris (UK Gas Gas) 65, Andy Bellee (Jersey Montesa) 187, Eddie Gladwell (Jersey Gas Gas) 200.
Clubman: Richard Mollet (Jersey Bultaco) 48, Steve De Carteret Guernsey Sherco 91 (79 ceans), B Torode (Gas Gas) 91 (7 cleans)
Twin-shock: Bob Gent (UK Fantic) 61, 89 Richard Blandin (Jersey Fantic) 89, A Casadesus (Spain Ossa) 128.
Pre-65: Graham du Feu (Jersey Ariel) 27, Chris Denny (UK James) 71, Mick Grant (UK Ariel) 78.
Expert: Steve Saunders (UK Beta) 33, Lee Rogan (Jersey Scorpa) 138, A Hall (UK Gas Gas) 157.
For full report, results and pictures see T+MX NEWS, Friday, March 16, 2007.