Snow fun for some
By TMX Archives on 3rd Dec 10

LAST weekend, as we all know, brought a real twist in the weather as various parts of the country were hit by surprise snowfalls as winter arrived early. Some areas were under virtual blizzard conditions, some lucky ones escaped winter's wrath altogether and some just got out in the snow and got on with it.
Yorkshire and the north east were pretty badly hit with several major centre trials having to be called off and the Richmond and Wetherby clubs had little choice but to call-off their events as the venues were total white-outs.
Other events, like the Hewitt XC, were treated to a carpet of white stuff but gave it a go and were rewarded with cracking event.
Looking forward to this weekend, many clubs have found themselves in something of a quandary. No-one wants to cancel events when there is at least a chance of them taking place. On the other hand, they don't want to leave cancelling to the last minute as it makes it hard to contact riders who may be making a supreme effort to make it to an event that isn't happening.
The moral of this story is that anyone planning to ride an event this weekend is advised to check before you set off that the event is still taking place. Many clubs will make the effort and events will run – but please check first.
One event that nothing short of a full-blown act of God will stop is the FatCat GP, which will take place at the FatCat track, near Doncaster. This T+MX-supported event has everything going for it. The venue is right beside a motorway, so if traffic can move the event will be on. Also, as the event takes place on the ‘old' FatCat tracks – which will be dozed immediately after the event – it is a case now or never!