Team Green's Burridge appoints Ryan Voase

By TMX Archives on 24th Apr 09


As one of his first moves since being announced as the new Team Green Co-ordinator for Kawasaki Motors UK, Ross Burridge has augmented the Bourne End based company's approach to off-road sport.

As part of his strategy to give a broader public presence to what manybelieve is off-road's premier support package, Burridge has appointedRyan Voase to provide off-road assistance. Voase is a well knownKawasaki rider in both the motocross and enduro arena.

"Off road sport in the UK is massive, and wherever I am, there isalways somewhere else I could be”, explained Burridge. "With Ryanonboard, not only can we cover more ground, but Team Green and Kawasakiriders also gain a huge experience base giving them expert support”.

"Ryan has already visited the AMCA Kawasaki Masters Championship atDean Moor for us. He was impressed with the depth of talent in thefield, and the standard of presentation for what is the onlymanufacturer sponsored one make MX2 Championship in the UK”.

For Voase the new role is a welcome change after deciding to retire from top-line competition earlier in the year.

"I have had my greatest success with Kawasaki, and understand thevalue of the support Team Green offers from a rider's point of view”,commented Voase. "Helping the current and next generation of Kawasakiriders is something I am proud to be playing a part in”.


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