TMX SAYS: McCanney is the main man
By TMX Archives on 25th Nov 15

Congratulations to the ACU for seeking legal help in deciphering their own rule book and finally making a decision on who their British Enduro Champion is this year. Apparently, after careful consideration they were able to confirm that to resolve the tie situation the place counts would be taken from all rounds less two.
This basically means that since Steve Holcombe and Jamie McCanney were still tied after running that math, the second tie-breaker had to be enforced. The outcome of this is that McCanney has won the championship based on the fact he beat Holcombe in the final round either finished at. So well done Jamie for being ace at off-road motorcycling and well done to the ACU for manning up and picking a winner.
In other needlessly late enduro news did you hear that the Aussies have won the ISDE? Apparently, some two months after the dust settled in Slovakia the FIM decided to overturn an already overturned decision and stand by what they thought in the first place. The outcome of that is that the bunch of French riders who were originally disqualified and then reinstated have been disqualified again and Team Australia are now the ISDE champions.
I have to think it's a bit of a hollow victory for the Aussies who missed out on the chance to celebrate their success at the time – and the same goes for McCanney too. When you win a major championship the deal is that you get to spray some champers and stick up your index finger for some pics, right? Not hear about it on the phone five days later – or in the case of the Aussies a couple of months...
With the year drawing to a close much of our attention moves on to next year. And it seems to me that the older I get, the earlier the next season kicks off. Long gone are the days of some winter hibernation for this grumpy old bear as no sooner has the 2015 season ended then the 2016 one begins. Or so it would seem.
Compounding the confusion are those 2016 championships that kick off in 2015. Yeah, I'm on about you, SuperEnduro. There's nothing like mixing up a championship chase by ensuring half the field start the series on one brand of bike and then ends it on another. Fortunately there's only one round before the New Year so at least the bulk of the championship will be won – or lost – on the one brand of bike.
For someone like Taddy Blazusiak or Jonny Walker they could pull out an absolute blinder and confuse the hell out of us all by riding a range of bikes throughout the series from the all-conquering Austrian brand – two-stroke, four-stroke and battery powered. That'd be pretty cool and probably give people an opportunity to protest the result too so we could start the series in 2015, run the majority of it next year and then name a champion in 2017.
Speaking of 2017, that's the year that TMX turns 40 but before that we'll be celebrating our 2000th issue with a whopping 80-pager this time next week. See you then...