Trials to star at Dirt Bike Show!
By John Dickinson on 30th Mar 07

PROMOTO, the company behind The Dirt Bike Show, has shot out of the blocks and published its plans for the 2007 Show which reveals exciting developments for when it runs, at Stoneleigh Park, Warwicks, on the NEW dates of Thursday to Sunday December 6 - 9 - with the big news undoubtedly being a brand new Trials Village!
The DBS organisers have responded to research that highlights thestrength of interest in trials as the most popular sport for show-goersafter motocross and enduro, by creating a dedicated area for specialistmotorcycle and accessory manufacturers in Hall Two, alongside all ofthe major bike brands. This welcome move is also in response to repeated criticismthat trials has not been a strong feature of the Show in past years andhas been marginalised by the massive MX and enduro presence. A strong trialsshowing will be a huge boost to the show and should result in adiscernible increase in attendance.
In 2006, Beta created a stir by launching their then brand-new REV3four-stroke and the organisers are keen to build on this breakthrough.It is hoped that all five trials manufacturers will support ther show, alongwith other trials-related businesses making it genuinely worthwhile fortrials fans to get to the Dirt Bike Show.
Now in its eighth year, the Dirt Bike Show has bucked the trend ofother motorcycle exhibitions, which have generally seen a sharp declinein attendance, with a claimed average annual increase of 10 per cent invisitor numbers every year since it opened at Stoneleigh-Park in 2000.Promoto believe that this is due not only to consistent support from all of themajor brands in the off road world but also due to the passion andenthusiasm of British off-road riders.
Direct entrances to both Halls One and Two have been retained for2007 in order to cope with visitor numbers over the weekends. The LiveAction Arena has been phenomenally successful, entertaining thousands of visitorsover the course of the Show and so Promoto has created a separateentrance and exit for this year and added a coffee bar and seating area so that spectators can wait in comfort.
Promoto has taken care to retain the successful elements of theShow, so the semi-permanent Hall 3 continues as the Retail Zone and theLive Stage will again provide a pulsing beat in Hall Two, with its entertainingmix of fashion shows, celebrity interviews and competitions.
T+MX will of course bring you regular updates on the build-up to the Show.