By Team TMX on 23rd Sep 15

Wherever you live in the country, Cornwall to the Cairngorms, Northwich to Norwich, theres a huge amountof interest in the Twin-shock scene
And it makes no difference whether it is brand new Britshocks with Cub, Bantam or Villiers power (other engines are available!) classic Spanish – Bultaco, Montesa, Ossa – or an Italian or Japanese option like Fantic, SWM, Aprilia, Honda, Yamaha or Suzuki there are enthusiasts busy out there building, modifying, polishing and riding a massive variety of machinery.
And it's that variety that makes Twinshock events so interesting both to ride in and to watch.
And when you really get into the technicalities, should you wish to, the permutations and engineering make it endlessly fascinating.
And so with the dark days of winter approaching, when you will all be heading into the shed (won't you?) here's a few pics to help plant the seed.
Do you fancy a nice classic Spanish mount, a thoroughbred Italian stallion, a precision Japanese option (maybe with a British frame) or a newbuild shiny Britshock.
Another option of course is a really nice totally standard Pre-65 mount, the likes of which are getting rarer each year as they are either modified or plundered for parts. Doesn't matter which you go for it's all good – just do it...