What's Newkie this week man!
By TMX Archives on 23rd Jan 08

This week JD goes to toon in Newcastle no, not for the football but for some proper culture when he pays tribute to that well-known Geordie, Gavin Linscott... SO, what's new in T+MX this week then chaps?
Bubba Stewart crashes his brains out in the AMA Supercross! Nothing new there then.
Toni Bou wins trial. Situation normal, everyone back to sleep.
Hang on a minute. Gavin Linscott is 60? Well, that doesn't happen every day! The Geordie boss of motorcycle emporium Bikesport, which trades on Newcastle's amazing and almost cer-
tainly unique Westgate Road, which is populated by a whole plethora of bike shops lining both sides of the street cheek by jowl, is one of motocross's most well-known characters. If you have never met Gavin you will almost certainly have heard of him. And if you haven't heard of him then you should have. And once you've met him you won't forget him!
For a down-to-earth bloke who trades from modest premises that most resemble Aladdin's Cave, Gavin Linscott has achieved far-reaching, well-deserved recognition for sponsoring a long line of top riders down the years with his latest protege being none other than Brad Anderson, that likely lad who has stirred-up the status quo in British MX.
Now, I'm well aware that I really should get out more, just as I'm equally aware that we should have nine-day weeks in order to cram everything in that we'd like to accomplish, but half an hour spent with Gavin last Saturday, as his shop was invaded by gangs of lads who began every sentence with the legendary phrase, Howay man, was worth every second.
I love shops like Bikesport. You can keep your corporate carpets, carefully positioned spotlights, dedicated display units, fancy espresso machines and the like for me. Bikesport is just wall-to-wall off-road with barely three empty square feet to stand still in. The rest is bikes, boots, 'bars, and acres of gear which looks like an explosion in a warehouse but Gavin and his savvy daughters can find anything that is asked for in three seconds flat. And if it isn't there, they know it isn't there, so no-one is standing around for hours while someone says, I think there's one here somewhere... And tea is brewed with a kettle.
It's funny but I'd been down the Bikesport road (Westgate) several times over the last couple of years without actually realising where I was. Number one son is at Uni, in Newcastle man, and it has always been night-time when I have either dropped him off or picked him up etc., and I am always far too engrossed in wondering where the hell I am and how to get where I'm going, to actually see anything.
With the whole of Newcastle on the streets last Saturday lunchtime chanting, Keegan, Keegan, (although after that dire 0-0 draw with Bolton they were probably chanting, Keegan out, Keegan out, by the final whistle) traffic was pretty slow to say the least and as I sat motionless, waiting for what I took to be a herd of zebra crossing the street there was so much black and white on view, I suddenly realised that I was outside Bikesport, so abandoned car on pavement, just like everyone else, and fought my way in...
After putting the world straight with Gavin, as you do, I had a quick look at the rest of Westgate's motorcycle extravaganza. It is almost surreal, with huge, modern, plush showrooms displaying all the multi- thousand pound fantasy road machines, but sitting alongside what amounts to sheds flogging, how can I say this politely, bargain basement stuff for bargain basement prices.
And then there's Bikesport, an off-road oasis in a cultural desert.
OH, how we awaited Dougie's return to Beta and his debut ride on the two-stroke REV3. There was almost as much pressure on Doug to perform a miracle in Marseille as on the Newcastle team after Keegan's arrival! And the end results were as disappointing to Doug (and Newcastle!) as to the supporters of both causes.
Personally, while yes, his result it was a huge disappointment, I don't read anything into it from a long-term point of view. While certainly not in the Indoors just to make the numbers up, Doug's focus is very much on the 2008 outdoor season. With just six Championship Indoor events this year (only five now!) Doug isn't going to get in a stress over one rogue result.
He certainly hasn't lost it overnight, nor is he yet over-the-hill as some pundits seem strangely keen to pedal. Things can only get Beta...