White wash at Upton Court...
By TMX Archives on 30th Aug 07

KINVER Auto staged its fifth and final event of the year at the weekend. The venue was once again the superb Upton Court track at Little Hereford, near Tenbury Wells. The club has had a great year and staged the hugely successful GB Open IMBA, memorably for its triumph against all odds and the appalling weather and torrential rain.
Heavy rain would have been welcomed with open armson Sunday. The track was baked hard and dry and became the main bone ofcontention amongst riders. The dust was really bad, despite the clubsbest efforts to water as often as possible but it was a no-winsituation. Once the water hit the rock-hard surface covered with alayer of dust, the track turned into a virtual ice rink.
One of the great attractions of this track is itssize, two-miles around the lap. This is also a great disadvantage whenit comes to watering, plus, many of the hills are too steep for thetractor and bowser, so hosepipes have to be used.
Near neighbour, Wolves and DMCC, at Hungry Hill,employ a fantastic pump and hose system on a similar type of track andit seems sensible that eventually Kinver Auto will have to go down asimilar route if this track is to reach its full potential. This is theclub's first season at Little Hereford and, having experienced extremesof weather, the learning curve has been steep.
Although mid-August is the main holiday period formany people, the meeting still attracted a large entry from across theMidlands region. Only the Inters were a little light but otherwise, thegates were full.
West Midlands AMCA Group Motocross
Upton Court, Little Hereford, near Tenbury Wells (Kinver AC (AMCA))
Expert Open: 1 Simon White, 2 Adam Barber, 3 Alan Jones.
Expert 125cc: 1 Mark Harding, 2 Ryan Shand, 3 Ryan Morris.
Senior Open: 1 Jason Smith, 2 Alan Barber, 3 Mark Slim.
Senior 125cc: 1 Ryan Marshall, 2 Dan Eastwood, 3 Ben Thomas.
Junior Group One: 1 Jay Littler, 2 Tom Spruce, 3 George Hough.
Junior Group Two: 1 John Foster, 2 Sam Winter, 3 Michael Lewis.
Junior Group Three: 1 Adam Llewellyn, 2 Jack France, 3 Ryan Harford.
Inter Junior: 1 Rob Griffith, 2 Luke Griffin, 3 Danny Russello.