Who will hold a British Championship title in 2016
By Sean Lawless on 3rd Feb 16

Organisers of the Thor British Youth National Championship have reacted quickly to clarify the situation concerning 2016 titles.A statement released on Monday sets the record straight.
‘With the launch of a 250 youth support class (MXY2) within the Maxxis championship for 2016, we have received numerous calls in connection with clarity of the official ACU Youth Open British Champion.
‘For the avoidance of doubt those riders entering the Thor British Youth National Championship 2016, within any of the classes and who come first within their class, will hold the ACU officially recognised British championship title for that class.
‘The Youth 250 class [MXY2] now being run within the Maxxis championship is a support race only and holds no recognised British championship title.'
Brian Higgins of ACU Events provided further clarification.
"While ACU Events have now increased the MXY2 class in the Maxxis series," he said, "it should be noted that this remains a support class for the MX1 and MX2 main championship and there is no ‘British Champion' tag attached to this class.
"The ACU have just renewed a contract with RHL Activities to host the British Youth Nationals for the next three years and it is this championship which carries the sole British title for the youth classes with the exception of autos."
Riders can still sign up to this year's Thor British Youth Nationals by registering online and completing the entry form on the RHL Activities website at www.rhlactivities.com.