Wigg signs for Future Trial Racing Team
By TMX Archives on 2nd Nov 07

The Future Trial Racing Team and Sandiford Montesa are delighted to announce the recent signing of Alexz Wigg for the 2008 season. The seventeen year old, who has already won the World Youth title along with many other national and international championships, will campaign a specially prepared 300cc four stroke, similar to that successfully used by James Dabill throughout this year. Wigg will join his British counterpartin the highlyprofessional and respected Italian based team, but willfollow a slightlydifferent competition schedule to that of Dabill. Alexzwill compete in allrounds of the World Junior Championship, the entireEuropean Championship, all rounds of the British domestic series, plus theScottish six-day trial,the Scott, and other selected British and ItalianNationals.
Havingfinished runner up in theWorld Junior series this year, at his firstattempt on a 125 due to hisage, Wigg is one of the favourites to lift thetitle in 2008, as well asbeing tipped as a strong contender on the homefront in the forthcomingtwelve months.
Making full use of the team's new headquarters in Bergamo, Alexz, along with Jameswill be based in Italyfor most of the season. Here the young British duo will enjoy the full benefitsof the squad's intensive testing and training programmes, which are recognisedare the most comprehensive in the sport.
Quirino Tironi, Team Manager of the FutureTrial Racing Team, recently made a special tripto the UK to sign Wiggand was obviously delighted with his new addition to his squad. " Alexz isa great young rider, and someone who we have been watching for a while. We hadhoped to sign him last year, but we respectedhis decision to stay loyalto Gas Gas. He has had a good year, but he is now ready to go the next level.We are confident he can win the World Juniortitle and that he can be areal threat both at European and Britishevents. "
Reinforcing Quirino's comments,Caroline Sandiford of Montesa UKadded. " We are really excited about Alexz joining the team nextyearand to have him available to compete in the entire British championship, plusthe SSDT and the Scott. Alexz is not only a good rider, but he is also a greatambassador, and has already proved himself on both counts despite his youngage. I think with James and Alexz, we have the besttwo young prospects inthe UK,if not in the World. "
Wigg offered hispersonal viewregarding his pending switch of machinery. " I am obviously very excitedabout the opportunity that lies ahead, but equally it is a sad moment in sayinggoodbye to Gas Gas and John Shirt after nine fantastic years. We have alwayshad great bikes, and the best back up in the UK. Unfortunately whilst Iknew that John would continue to do the same for me next year, the factory'soffer for the World stuff just didn't give me the same confidence. The Montesadeal will not only give me a new challenge, butit will give me the rightpackage both in the UKand on the World stage. "
Alexz will fulfill all his commitmentsas a Gas Gas rider forthe remainder of 2007, a point John Shirt of GasGas UKknows he can be sureof. " Obviously to lose Alexz is a big loss forGas Gas. He has been a loyal rider for nine years and he has achieved a lot sofar in his career. Whereas I know Alexz loves the GG Pro, I have to admit heneeds more help from the factory at World level and right now the GG factorycannotoffer the level of support that he wants. TRW have offered a dealtoo goodto turn down and he has decided to go for this opportunity. I amnaturally 'gutted' to lose Alexz because I have done all I can for him inthe UK.I dohowever wish him all the best for next year.
ASpokesman on behalf of the Gas Gas Factory in Spain commented We are verysorry to loose Alexz because we considered him as one of the top riders in ourteam who would bring us more positive results over the coming years, however wewish him the best because he is not only a good rider, but also has a fantasticpersonality. Hopefully we all can meet again in the future. "