Win a 2007 KTM in your new look T+MX

By TMX Archives on 22nd Dec 06


WELCOME to our annual bumper Christmas Double Issue, in which the Trials and Motocross News staff have once more burned the midnight oil in order to pack into the 112 pages enough reading to keep you going right over the Christmas and New Year holiday period!

BUT, we don't just want to give you that! The T+MX team has already moved on to 2007, during which time your favourite off-road read will approach and pass its 30th milestone. Yes, Friday, May 18, will see Trials and Motocross News celebrate its official 30th birthday – and throughout the year we will be celebrating this quite remarkable achievement.

And we are starting in the very first issue of 2007 (January 5) with a totally NEW LOOK for T+MX. Yes, we have engaged in an extensive re-design of the paper in order to maximise the experience of your favourite off-road read.

Now, we haven't gone crazy and tried to re-invent the wheel, you will still be able to instantly recognise Trials and Motocross News at your newsagent's. But inside, we have started with a clean sheet of paper.

Up front there will be a new-look news section, with room for more breaking stories from your favourite sport. Next, we'll hit you with the big off-road events, not just from Britain but from around the world, so you won't have to go searching for the likes of the Sheffield Indoor Trial, the Dakar Rallye or the AMA Supercross. And as the British and European season unfolds, we'll feature up front the Hawkstone Park International MX plus ALL the Trials, Motocross and Enduro Champs, not forgetting such awesome events as the Scottish Six Days Trial and the Weston Beach Race. New-look T+MX bike tests will also feature prominently up-front.

Your favourite off-road columns, MX Diary, Youth Club, Trials Torque, etc, have been treated to an easier-to-read design makeover and will feature deeper into the paper for you to dip-into after you have devoured the major features. 2007 will also see the reintroduction of a New Product page where we will showcase exactly what's hot in the off-road shops. And something new for readers is a regular flow of competitions to enter with lots of prizes on offer for our readers. Check-out next week's paper to see what YOU can bag!

Last but not least, our Classified ads section presentation has been updated and sharpened-up to make it even easier for you to nail that bargain in off-road sport's most popular advertising medium.

And to really get your NEW LOOK T+MX off to a flying start in 2007 you must NOT miss the next issue of T+MX – which, remember, will be on sale on Friday, January 5 – when we launch a fabulous T+MX Win a Bike competition in which we offer YOU, our loyal reader, the chance to WIN a fabulous, brand-new, 2007 model KTM 200EXC enduro bike! Turn to page 13 NOW to check-out this fantastic competition!

DON'T miss your NEW LOOK Trials and Motocross News – in the shops Friday, January 5!

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