World class Weston celebrates 25 years
By TMX Archives on 12th Oct 07

WHEN George Greenland, Jack Matthews, and Eddie Chandler had the brain-wave of running a beach race in the UK some 25 years ago, little could they have imagined that their little acorn would grow into the mighty oak tree that is now the Weston Beach Race arguably the largest off-road motorcycle sport event in Britain, and one of the biggest in the world.
Aided and abetted by Dave Smith, who looked afterthe paperwork', they ran the inaugural event in 1983 with little morethan a few volunteers and an awful lot of hard work. Since the firstfew hundred riders took to the sands for the opening race, more than14,000 competitors have tested their skill and stamina on the NorthSomerset coast.
As 2007 marks the silver anniversary of the WestonBeach Race, current promoter, RHL Activities Ltd, is planning to makethis year's event a celebration of 25-years of Weston', by invitingback as many winners, past organisers, and personalities as possible.
Over the history of the beach race, no less than35 different nationalities have been represented, but it wasn't until2004 that someone from outside Britain actually won the event whenStefan Everts took victory on his Yamaha.
Prior to this, Rob Meek carved himself into Westonfolklore by tasting the winners champagne no less than five times, andMark Hucklebridge has the honour of being the youngest ever winner whenhe beat the odds on his Kawasaki in 1998. The Knight brothers from theIsle of Man have a unique claim in that they have both won quad andsolo classes, with David going one step better than Juan by securingvictory on two and four wheels in the same year, 2002.
The main solo race is shaping up to be one of thehighest quality races ever assembled, and a fitting tribute on such animportant milestone. Britain's top enduro rider, and arguably the bestall round off-road rider in the world at the moment, David Knight,makes the trip home from America, where he currently leads the GNCCseries.
For the second year running he will face thechallenge of ten-times world motocross champion, Stefan Everts. Withboth riders similarly mounted on KTM machinery this could be afascinating duel, and a rare opportunity to see Everts again incompetitive action. The 2005 Weston winner came up short last year whenhe ran out of fuel, so he will be keen not to make the same mistakeagain.
Neither rider will be able to stop for a team talkthough, as newly crowned MX1 world champion Steve Ramon makes a welcomereturn on his Suzuki. Josh Coppins will also line up on the Westonshoreline and may see this as an opportunity for pay-back againstRamon, having lead the MX1 title chase before succumbing to injurywhichultimately wrecked his season.
The quality of the field is further enhanced withBritish MX2 champion Mike Brown, who is flying back from America forthe weekend, and previous Weston supremo and multi enduro worldchampion, Paul Edmondson.
But the beach race is not all about the stars.With close to a whopping 1,000 entries already accepted for the ArthurDoodson-sponsored solo race, this year's event will once again be aboutthe many as well as the few. Club and national riders who fancy thechallenge of three hours around the 3.5-mile course constructed on thevast Weston sea-front are welcome, many of whom will be riding forcharity and other good causes.
Since 1999, the size of the entry has meant thatthe Quads and Sidecars now get their own race on the Saturday.This race has grown and developed into a fantastic spectacle in its ownright.
David Knight, the only rider to win on both twoand four wheels in the same year a feat he achieved in 2002 is outto make amends after crashing out last year's quad race.
Main opposition will come from three-times Westonwinner Paul Winrow who had to play second fiddle to Americans JohnNatalie and Dana Creech in 2006, although there will be representationfrom across the pond in the form of Caleb Moore who is no slouch andmay upset the form card. Jason MacBeth, Willy Waggott and Steve Atkinswill also be vying for the podium places at the head of the field ofover 400.
For the fourth year in succession, there will be achance to view the riders of the future with three Youth races on theprogramme, including the return of a Youth Quad race. All three ofthese races will run for an hour over a shortened course.
Away from the main on track action', the H BombSquad make a welcome return. In the words of team manager, Ben BC'Vaught: We've a job to finish, after Christian Gagnon suffered thehorrendous crash last year when attempting the 360 degree back-flip.The responsibility falls on the shoulders of Caleb Moore, who, freshfrom three hours in the main quad race will look to get the job done.''
As usual at Weston, there will be a large tradedisplay area along the main sea front, and an equally large retail areafor those with an eye on bagging a Christmas bargain.
In keeping with the theme of raising money forcharity and good causes, RHL Activities is hosting a Charity Dinner onSaturday night in the Winter Gardens, with all proceeds being splitbetween charities nominated by RHL and North Somerset Council.
But the last word has to go to Gareth Hockey, adirector of RHL Activities who said: I'm really looking forward tothis year's beach. It's a terrific achievement for an event to reachsuch a milestone and it is a testament to all the people who have putso much effort in over 25 years to make it happen. Especially the guyswho started it all off in 1983.
I know that we are doing our best to puttogether an event that is worthy of this special anniversary and I hopethat anyone who has enjoyed being part of the Weston Beach race willjoin us on the beach'!
WESTON BEACH RACE 2007 Timetable of Events
9.00am Scrutineering Commences
9.00am Riders/ Marshals sign on
8.00 9.00am Scrutineering (Youth)
8.00 9.00am Marshals sign on
9.30am Youth Quad (1 hour)
11.00am Quad/ Sidecar Race (3 hours)
2.45pm Youth 65cc Race (1 hour)
4.00pm Freestyle
4.45pm Presentation Ceremony
10.00am Youth 85cc Race (1 hour)
11.15am Freestyle
12.15pm Presentation of Past Winners
1.00pm Arthur Doodson Solo Race (3 hours)
4.45pm Presentation Ceremony