Yamaha rules Enduro 1 in Slovakia
By TMX Archives on 3rd Sep 07

UFO Corse Yamaha team riders Cristobal Guerrero and Simone Albergoni made the most of reigning Enduro 1 world championship class leader Juha Salminen's absence at the GP of Slovakia, held in Krompachy, Slovakia.
They both claimed a day win each aboard their WR250F machines. With Salminenabsent due to an injury sustained prior to the event, Guerrero and Albergonitook to the start as favourites to finish on the top step of the E1 class podiumand duly did so as they shared top honours. With Guerrero finishing close to 14seconds ahead of Albergoni on day one it was Albergoni who topped day two aheadof Yamaha France rider Marc Germain as two costly mistakes denied Guerrero thechance to repeat his day one win, he still managed third.
With Yamahariders occupying the top three positions in the E1 class on day one in KrompachySpaniard Guerrero topped the opening test to take an early lead. Continuing toperform well the E1 class rookie maintained his lead and even when the dryspecial tests became wet and slippery due to heavy rain, the former Endurojunior world champion remained mistake-free going on to claim his first eversenior enduro world championship class win.
Behind Cristobal his UFO Corse Yamaha team-mate Simone Albergoni finishedsecond having been unable to get to grips with the Slovakian special tests.Making it the perfect day for Yamaha Frenchman Marc Germain continued hisimpressive season to finish third, which resulted in an all blue podium. Afterstarting day one in the best possible way and winning the opening special test,Cristobal Guerrero started day two badly due to a slow-speed, but costly, fallon the opening enduro test. Placing fourth in class on test one Guerrero went onto make one further mistake, again on the enduro test, which essentially endedhis hopes of a repeat win and despite his best efforts he could do no betterthan finish third. Improving his result one position from the first day YamahaFrance rider Marc Germain secured the runner-up position having performedconsistently all day before going on to win the event's final twotests.
In leading five of the day's 10 special tests Simone Albergonicelebrated his first E1 class victory of '07, having topped the opening testbefore going on to dominate during the second of the day's three laps. Earningwhat has been a long overdue winning result for the Italian, Simone importantlystrengthened his runner-up position in the '07 E1 world championship standings.
Simone Albergoni (UFO Corse Yamaha) Enduro 1 class - Day 1 Second, Day 2First
: "My result on the first day was really disappointing. I don't know why butI didn't find a good feeling with my bike. I couldn't work out why, I didn'tcrash, I just wasn't able to ride at 100 per cent. I was just too slow.
"The second day went well. I started well with a good time in the firstenduro test and that set me up well for the day. I didn't really make anychanges for day two, but I felt much better. I was able to attack, especially inthe enduro and extreme test, so it was good to win."
Cristobal Guerrero (UFO Corse Yamaha) Enduro 1 class - Day 1 First, Day 2Third:
"The first day was great for me. I didn't make any mistakes and was able toreally concentrate on all of the special tests, even when it started to rain. Ithought that Marc Germain and Simone Albergoni would move ahead of me in theresults, but I was able to stay ahead of them. It felt really, really good toclaim my first ever world champion win in the Enduro 1 class. My bike wasperfect, I felt good - it was a great day.
"The second day started badly. I crashed on the first enduro test and lostquite a lot of time. It was a small mistake but I had to turn my bike aroundbefore I could go again so I lost around 10 seconds. Then in the second endurotest I crashed again, and again lost more time. In the motocross and extremetests I was riding well, but because of my mistakes I wasn't able to fight forthe win."
Maurizio Micheluz (UFO Corse Yamaha) Enduro 1 class - Day 1 Sixth, Day 2Fourth:
"I found things hard on day one, I don't know why. I finished sixth andwasn't able to attack like I wanted to. The second day was much better though asI finished in fourth and was able to fight a little bit more with the top threeriders. I made two crashes, but it didn't affect my result. I enjoyed the race,for me it has been the best race of the season so far. I'm happy with the way itwent for me."
2007 Enduro 1 Slovakia 02/09/2007
Race 1
Pos. Rider Manu. Nat. Total Time
1 Cristobal Guerrero Yamaha ESP 50'27.730
2 Simone Albergoni Yamaha ITA 0'13.980
3 Marc Germain Yamaha FRA 0'24.910
4 Alessandro Belometti KTM ITA 0'40.360
5 Bartosz Oblucki Husqvarna POL 0'55.840
6 Maurizio Micheluz Yamaha ITA 1'40.290
7 Mike Hartmann KTM GER 2'4.790
8 Luca Cherubini TM ITA 2'41.470
9 Danielle Tellini KTM ITA 3'54.380
10 Pr Olsson Yamaha SWE 4'42.620
11 Juraj Dozsa KTM SVK 5'16.450
12 Fernando Ferreira Yamaha POR 6'46.870
13 Thomas Hostinsky KTM CZE 7'1.940
14 Fabio Mossini Honda ITA 8'38.360
15 Helio Santos Yamaha POR 9'50.050
Race 2
Pos. Rider Manu. Nat. Total Time
1 Simone Albergoni Yamaha ITA 58'10.510
2 Marc Germain Yamaha FRA 0'10.200
3 Cristobal Guerrero Yamaha ESP 0'26.410
4 Maurizio Micheluz Yamaha ITA 1'29.590
5 Alessandro Belometti KTM ITA 1'49.480
6 Mike Hartmann KTM GER 2'12.570
7 Luca Cherubini TM ITA 3'6.910
8 Fabio Mossini Honda ITA 4'6.550
9 Danielle Tellini KTM ITA 4'16.180
10 Pr Olsson Yamaha SWE 5'47.400
11 Fernando Ferreira Yamaha POR 6'13.970
12 Juraj Dozsa KTM SVK 6'19.940
13 Thomas Hostinsky KTM CZE 8'11.470
14 Helio Santos Yamaha POR 9'15.930
Rider Standings 01/09/2007
Pos. Rider Manu. Nat. Points
1. Juha Salminen KTM FIN 300
2. Simone Albergoni Yamaha ITA 273
3. Marc Germain Yamaha FRA 257
4. Cristobal Guerrero Yamaha ESP 251
5. Alessandro Belometti KTM ITA 230
6. Bartosz Oblucki Husqvarna POL 211
7. Maurizio Micheluz Yamaha ITA 185
8. Mike Hartmann KTM GER 174
9. Juraj Dozsa KTM SVK 95
10. Luca Cherubini TM ITA 86
11. Anthony Roberts Honda AUS 79
12. Danielle Tellini KTM ITA 74
13. Frederik Georgsson KTM SWE 56
14. Joan Jou Yamaha ESP 45
15. Fabio Mossini Honda ITA 42
Manufacturer Standings 01/09/2007
Pos. Manufacturer Points
1. KTM 334
2. Yamaha 298
3. Husqvarna 211
4. Honda 129
5. TM 92
6. Suzuki 82
7. Kawasaki 48