Popular Westmorland MC Bultaco Revival Trial returns in June
By John Dickinson on 3rd Apr 19

The popular Westmorland MC Bultaco Revival Trial will return on Saturday, June 15, with normal sections plus an easier route this year.A new idea for 2019 is the VIP ride.
The club want everybody to have an enjoyable day so you can enter as a VIP. That will allow you to ride the full trial if you wish, ride half the trial or pick and choose sections you wish to ride along the route.Maybe you havent ridden for a few years, or have a showpiece bike that you want to ride but not feel the pressure of tackling all the sections as you dont wish to mark the bike.
You choose if you wish to have your punch card marked, you dont even have to hand it in, keep it and compare with your friends. The venue once again is Holme Farm, Middleton near Sedbergh Cumbria. Contact Mike Rapley on 07788-161929 for an entry.
New for 2019 and run the day before the Bultaco Revival Trial at the same venue is the Schreiber Experience Training Day. This is run by none other than 1979 Trials World Champion Bernie Schreiber and not only runs through the fundamentals of trials, Bernie will show you how to build a plan in order for you to improve your riding.
Contact Steve Dent to obtain the application form and further details: steve@wmcevents.co.uk Then, on Friday evening (June 14) theres the LSS Bultaco Revival Legends evening which will be held at Kendals Stonecross Manor Hotel. This informal night with the stars will see Bultaco legends including Bultaco fan and main LSS partner of the weekend Nigel Woolford.
Joining the evening will be Bernie Schreiber, Oriol Puig Bulto, Ignacio Bulto, Javier Cucurella, Jaime Puig, Charles Coutard, three times World Champion Yrjo Vesterinen, Scottish Six Days winner Alan Sid Lampkin, American world round winner John Lampkin, multiple TT winner Mick Grant, the UKs most successful ever sidecar trials driver Robin Luscombe, former Suzuki factory rider John Reynolds plus legendary trials photographer Eric Kitchen.
There is limited availability so contact Peter Remington asap on 07891-076320.
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