Take a look at: Geoff Titcombe's Honda
By Team TMX on 17th Mar 16

Well into middle-age and growing tired of modern tight, twisty, sections on a twin-shock, Geoff Titcombe decided less is more and bought a circa 1985 Honda TLM50 on a well-known internet auction site.
After some basic prep, the first trial entered revealed some major problems with the gearbox, carburation and front forks, so a second bike was purchased, thankfully more locally this time.
The best of both were combined into one bike, and things looked encouraging.
Despite limited engineering skills and facilities, Geoff likes to do as much as possible himself, including:
rame stripped, red-oxide primed and finished with Hammerite Smooth (easy to touch up the inevitable wear-and-tear being the logic)
Bent lower frame rails cut off and ally sump-guard fabricated Tank and side panels stripped, primed and sprayed with aerosol cans (Ford Polaris Grey - totally non-standard but looks great)
In addition various parts were sourced with the help of specialist suppliers:
David Silver Spares for bits and bobs
Shedworks for mudguards and footrests
Central Wheels for stunning gold alloy rims and stainless spokes
Trailsbits.co.uk for bars, controls & cables
Nick Robinson for the tyres
And the result? A light, agile machine that so far goes up or over anything that you point it at, using a riding technique akin to a twist-and-go moped, and producing a grin on the face of rider, observer and spectator alike.
Bitten by the tiddler bug, Geoff's next project is a recently-acquired Italjet JT100, which boasts a massive 75cc, although Butser Limeworks may still be a big ask!