Trials Torque: Last orders for Pre-65 Scottish
By John Dickinson on 30th Nov 16

THE closing date for entries to the 2017 Scottish Pre-65 Two Day Trial which will take place on Friday/ Saturday April 28/29 is fast approaching and Friday, December 9, is the cut-off point.
So if you are intending to enter you need to do it NOW.
Entries that arrive after 3pm on the closing date will NOT be entered into the ballot which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, December 10.
Entries are already over-subscribed with 235 in already but remember, you will still have the same chance as anyone else in the ballot regardless of when you enter.
A list of entries received to date can be found on the Pre-65 News Page on and this will let you check that your entry has been received but still allow time to sort out any problems by contacting the secretary –
There are apparently some that have not been collected from the Post Office because they have insufficient postage on them and they will NOT be collected.
Some entries are being sent in with photographs of the bikes that are not the correct size or not good quality therefore the components cannot be seen clearly.
The bike should be taken side-on and pictures should be clear, good quality and A4 in size so components can be seen without difficulty. Please do not take pictures against busy or very dark backgrounds. Unclear pictures will result in your chances of getting into the ballot being reduced so taking time and care will maximise your chances.
Planning for the 2017 Trial is now underway and the committee are looking forward to putting together another excellent event.