Trials Torque: Take Loch stock...

By John Dickinson on 8th Mar 17


ENTRY Forms and Regulations are now available for the ever popular Loch Lomond clubs Dan Stewart Two-Day Trial.

The dates this year are Saturday/ Sunday, May 27/28 (Spring Bank Holiday Monday follows on May 29).

And if you didn't get an entry in the Scottish Six Days, how about making a long weekend of it in this amazing part of Scotland.

The trial route is amazingly all off-road and the first day comprises one big superb lap of about 50 miles of open moorland, hills, tracks and paths, offering awesome views and with 40 sections to be tackled along the way. 

It can't be over emphasised what a brilliant ride out this is.

The second day is totally different with two laps of about 15 miles in total with 25 sections per lap. 

The trial base is near Luss, alongside Loch Lomond.

So get your skates on (or rather riding boots), and contact Ian Middleton in order to get a ride in a great traditional No-Stop classic trial.  

The Loch Lomond 2-Day Trial is the perfect weekend as a more relaxing "Mini-Scottish”. 

Don't miss a great weekend of trialling and challenging fun.

This is a Scottish National trial for Experts, Non-experts, Novices and Class A Youths. Sections are the usual ‘Scottish' style burns (streams) with single routes for all classes and No-Stop rules.

Entry Forms and Regs are available and note entry is limited to 150.

So get in touch with event secretary Ian Middleton at 0141 585 0039, or email to secure your entry for a great weekend of traditional trialling.

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