FIM X-Trial calendar released
By John Dickinson on 27th Oct 16

THE calendar for the 2017 FIM X-Trial (Indoor) Championship has been released.
And it is going to be a short, sharp series of just four events over two months – February and March.
The Spanish federation will get things underway in Barcelona with their long-running, annual showpiece event in the impressive St Jordi Arena high on the hill in Montjuich Park.
The stadium was built for the 1992 Olympics and is around twice the size of the average arena, holding upwards of 15,000 spectators.
Next comes the Austrian event in the slightly less capacious venue at Wiener Neustadt, near Vienn.
And the series is completed on successive weekends at the end of March in France, the first event in Marseille, followed by Nice.
Toni Bou will be looking to extend his amazing run of 10 consecutive X-Trial Championships.
And while the programme of contracted riders hasn't yet been released, expect Adam Raga to once
more be Toni's main opposition!
Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that Sheffield isn't on the list, as we have got used to the season opening extravaganza, representing the first round.
But fear-not British fans, the Sheffield Arena Trial will of course still be the first big event of the year when it takes place on Saturday, January 7.
The event, named The Martin Lampkin Memorial, and Martin's long-time
co-promoter at Sheffield, has some exciting plans that TMX will bring to you in the very near future.
And you won't be disappointed – expect 20-times World Champion Toni Bou to headline!