Brits in title chase

By TMX Archives on 1st Jun 07


The UEM European QX Championship kicks of at Bilstein, in Germany, this weekend with reigning British Champion, John Mitchell, leading the British contingent, which includes the 2007 British Champion-ship points leader Jason MacBeth, Scottish Cham-pion Leon Beda, Ulster's Ricky Toye and Paul Holmes.

The Dutch British Cham-pionship contender, Joe Maessen, will also be joining the leading European riders, with last weekend's double British championship race winner, Roman Couprie, tipped as the man to beat along with fellow French star Jeremy Warnia.

Former Britsh Champion Paul Winrow isn't entered, but may take in a couple of the later rounds.

The ACU and the UEM must be congratulated for staging this European championship, although it comes just 20 years after the first ever European Quad Championship which took place in 1987...

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