Gutted by bad break
By TMX Archives on 7th Sep 12

My last few words from last months column said I look forward to a positive month ahead.
Well, unfortunately, it hasn't really gone that way. I recovered well from my back injury after my two weeks off the bike.
It's what I needed to get it 100% ready for the Red Bull at Hawkstone.
In myself I felt really good going into that race, but it was all short-lived when I had a stupid crash and ended up with a broken collarbone.
I knew immediately it was broken, I could feel and hear it.
We loaded up my van and Jodie drove me home to the hospital straight away, where the X-ray confirmed I broken my clavicle in two places.
At the time I was gutted to say the least and I'm still pretty gutted now.
It would have been a great battle to the end between Nico Aubin and myself for the championship.
I booked to see a specialist on the Monday and he operated on me two days later to plate the bones together.
It's only been just over a week but it feels good and I have good movement in my shoulder.
The doctor was happy with the op and booked me a follow-up appointment to see him in two weeks' time.
I'm going to be off the bike for some weeks yet, but may make it back for the final round of the British at Little Silver – we will just have to see how things heal up.
I'm obviously disappointed the season has ended on this note for myself and the team – the plan was to finish with some glory, but that's not to be.
Over the next few weeks it will all be about recovering and doing all I can to improve the healing – eating well, lots of sleep and some exercise as soon as possible.
This will all, without a doubt, make me heal and feel good as I recover.
Before I broke my collar-bone I had been doing some riding on a 1989 250 Suzuki ready for the Vets des Nations at Farleigh.
A mate of mine said that I could borrow his bike so I took it out a few times for a rip
It's been a great bit of fun and surprisingly nice to ride. I was really looking forward to racing at Farleigh so I'm bummed to be missing that too.
Maybe an early holiday abroad instead is what's needed.
Once I see the doctor in a couple of weeks I'll know more. I've been teaching Ayrton to ride his bmx without stabilisers over the past couple of days.
There have been a few crashes and it's been entertaining, but he's getting there.
The kids keep everything busy in our house so there's never a dull moment.
I will bring you up to date next month on the rehab.