Jonny Walker - Off to the X Games
By Jonny Walker on 8th Jun 12
I wont be able to say this many times when Im at home in England but Im actually sat in the garden in Keswick, in the Lake District, typing this column because its sunny for a change.
This month hasn't been too exciting on the race front but at least I've been rather busy training, riding and of course this last week trying to fit some sunbathing into the mix.
The really big news is that I have been given an invite to ride at the X Games Endurocross in Los Angeles (the Endurocross is scheduled to take place on Sunday, July 1) so as you can guess there was no hesitation as to whether I was going to ride there!
Unfortunately, I can't go to America as early as I would have liked, as I have a race in Europe the week before. But believe me I'll drag the Stateside trip out as long as I can...
I have been concentrating on training for Erzberg, which has consisted of riding the old trials sections I used to ride a few years ago, so when I went to the British Sprint Enduro I didn't think I would have the speed.
On the first day of the Sprint I crashed in the first two tests and lost valuable time, before
getting into a rhythm and finishing the day in second.
The next day I went out and I was riding well and enjoying myself and I led the day until a stupid crash on the last test put me back to second. But at least I took the overall win in the Under 23.
I've got to thank Neil Crayston from D3 Racing in Kendal, as he cooked for us all weekend. Neil's in the wrong trade – he should be a chef.
I've also been having a clear-out in my dad's garage which has at least 30 years' worth of rubbish in it.
He's always telling me that , "millions of men out there say, don't throw that out, you never know when you might need it.”
Anyway, after three trips to the scrapyard we are now getting there.
I also decided to paint the garage floor so I went to move his ‘prestigious' old Honda Goldwing (he never rides it) but with flat tyres, collapsed suspension and brakes that are seized solid it wasn't going anywhere. So I had to paint round it.
With the weather as hot as it has been here lately I have been going riding really early in the
morning and finishing at lunchtime to chill out and go swimming in the local rivers.
The sun is brilliant as it puts people in such a good mood and living in a touristy place we get eye-candy from far and wide.
I had a BBQ the other night and I'm not the best chef but managed to pull it off without making anyone ill – so that was a bonus.
I'm now getting all my stuff packed for my trip to Erzberg in Austria and after that I go straight to the ultra extreme Romaniacs.
So my next column will feature much more about racing and fingers crossed it will be good news – for me anyway!
Hope you enjoy reading my column and will see you at the races...