Mid-Sussex hit the Rocks
By TMX Archives on 30th Nov 07

MID Sussex MCC held its annual presentation evening at High Rocks recently.
The evening started with dinner followed by thepresentation of trophies kindly presented by Tommy Searle. After thepresentation, the raffle was drawn and the evening concluded with adisco into the small hours.
The special awards this year were:-
Stuck in the mud award or, in this case, stuck in the bush following an off at Ringmer: Ben Stevens.
Sports Personality - always there giving his help and support to the younger members: Martyn Paget.
Sports Ambassador - for all his help with track building and help in finding new tracks: Tony Verbeeten.
Broken Spoke - no contest here, if he wasn't breaking his bike, he broke himself!: Darren Broom (Better luck for 2008!)
Most Entertaining - good rider to watch, has his fair share of bad luck but always battles through to the end: Kester Pierce.
Ladies Choice - for his singing skills as he passes the lap-scorers: Paul Reeves.
Old Boys Award - an older club member who is always willing to help even at meetings he isn't riding at: Richard Moore.
The members and the committee would also like tosay a big thank you the following individuals without whom we could notrun any meetings: All the land owners, Mike and the medics, Gary thecaterer, Tony of Motocross Racing Services and, of course, all theparents who marshal each meeting without complaint.
For making the evening the success it was, wewould also like to thank Tommy Searle for staying after thepresentation to chat and sign photos. Motocross Racing services forsupplying raffle prizes for the evening, Action Sport photography forsome great photo's and Penny Whitlock Bain for her organisation skills.
Auto: 1 Toby Saunders, 2 Luke Horley, 3, George Lock, 4 Harry Pelling, 5 Harry Docherty, 6 Andrew Kerr.
Most improved: George Lock
Junior: 1 Ben Cambridge, 2 Michael Ellis, 3 James Coker, 4 Sam Lindsay, 5 Mark Rynston, 6 Connor Mitchell.
Highest placed rider in first year in gears: Michael Ellis
Most improved first year riders: Henry Siddiqui.
More than one year in gears: Craig Gander.
Small-wheel 85cc: 1 Luke Coker, 2 Freddie Heather, 3 Billy Taylor, 4 Ryan Hall, 5 Joshua Barton, 6 Jack Artiss.
Most improved: Samuel Pocock
Big-wheel 85cc: 1 Darryl Maxwell, 2 CameronTyrell-Dann, 3 Kester Pierce, 4 Fraser Peate, 5 Harry Whitlock Bain, 6Mickey Lucken.
Most improved: George Surry.
Inter 125cc: 1 Daniel Chambers, 2 Dan Goodwin, 3 Mike Greenfield, 4 Nick Reeves, 5 Rupert Douglas, 6 Jake Darling.
Most improved: Nathan Ogden.
Expert Plus - Under 30: 1 Dean Chapman, 2 Jamie Wolvey, 3 Martyn Paget, 4 John Barrett, 5 Craig Broom, 6 Daniel Mayers.
Kaz Memorial (Most improved): John Newnham
Expert Plus (Over 30): 1 Tony Hale, 2 Ray Chivers, 3 Adam Hawkins, 4 Karl Lindup, 5 Paul Reeves, 6 Tony Verbeeten.