Now make a date for UK Supercross series
By TMX Archives on 6th May 10

The fourth annual Merseyside stop of the Future West ACU British Supercross Championship will take place on November 27, 2010, at the superb Liverpool Echo Arena, two months earlier than its usual late January slot. The move is the first step to eventually have the whole series finished before Christmas in future years.
It's a good move for several reasons commented Future West's John Hellam the weather was atrocious last January which caused some problems finding suitable dirt.
Moving the Liverpool event to November before the US SX season starts will also give us more choice in star riders for the International classes, it will also make it more viable for British riders to compete giving them a better shot at the official ACU British Supercross Championship and the huge 40,000 plus in prize money, leaving them with more time to set-up and test for the outdoor season post Christmas.
Our eventual goal for the future is to have the championship wrapped-up before Christmas, we have a good working relationship with all of the major venues in the UK so in time as dates become available a pre-Christmas championship will become a reality. The London round at the 02 arena, which should be on sale now, has also been moved this season to the same weekend as the London Motorcycle show at the nearby Excel Centre making London the only round of this year's Supercross Championship to be run after Christmas so we are getting close to our goal.
The dates for your diary are as follows:
* Belfast Odyssey Arena Friday/ Saturday, October 22/23. Box office 0844-277-4455.
* Liverpool Echo Arena Saturday, November 27. Box office 0844-8000-400.
* London 02 Arena Saturday February 5, 2011. Box office 0844-856-0202.
* One more round between October and December date and venue to be announced.