Raga takes Spanish title
By TMX Archives on 15th Nov 07
ADAM Raga is the 2007 Spanish Trials Champion! The Gas Gas factory number one jammed his 300 two-stroke PRO into the top spot ahead of last year's champ Toni Bou as the Repsol Montesa rider dropped to second overall with Sherco's Albert Cabestany a distant third.
The final event of the eight-round series took place at St Fruitos deBages, close to Barcelona, and defending champ Bou, with a six-pointdeficit, had nothing to lose and he won the trial overall, with abrilliant second lap when he dropped just five marks.
But with the advantage of that six point cushion, Raga knew exactlywhat he had to do and in a tricky, technical trial, Adam stayed out oftrouble and a safe second place saw him back on top as Spanish Champ.
Raga and Bou have fought a season-long battle for the domestic titlewith the end result that exactly reverses last year's outcome when Boupipped Raga by just three points!
A large and knowledgeable crowd turned out to watch the final, decisiveround as Barcelona is the most trials-enthused area of Spain and theregion around St Fruitos is ideal trials territory. Three laps of a15-section course included some tricky and technical rocky sections setout over a traditional-style 10 kilometer course.
Said Raga, "The Championship is decided over eight rounds and goinginto the final round I had a six-point lead to defend. Sure Bou won thetrial but I did what I had to and won the Championship!”
Raga used the prototype Gas Gas with the lightweight round-tube frame that he made a debut-winning ride on in the Gerona Indoor the previous weekend.
Marc Freixa finished fourth in the series on the four-stroke Scorpathat he has been helping develop with Marc Colomer while RepsolMontesa's former World Champ Takahisa Fujinami took part in the finalround of the series but could only finish fourth on the day on doublethe marks lost by team-mate Bou.
1 Toni Bou (Repsol Montesa 19 + 5 = 24, 2 Adam Raga (Gas Gas) 22 + 17 =39, 3 Albert Cabestany (Sherco) 30 + 17 = 47, 4 Takahisa Fujinami(Repsol Montesa) 31 + 19 = 50, 5 Jeroni Fajardo (Beta) 31 + 19 = 50.
Final Championship Points: Champion Adam Raga (Gas Gas) 131, 2 Toni Bou(Repsol Montesa)128, 3 Albert Cabestany (Sherco) 99, 4 Marc Freixa(Scorpa) 76, 5 Jeroni Fajardo (Beta) 67.