TMX Says: Things that wind me up
By TMX Archives on 30th Nov 16

So Ive got a bit of confession to make. Im a huge fan of grown-up cartoons like Family Guy big whoop, wanna fight about it?
If you're a long-term fan of the series yourself then you may remember that time when star of the show Peter Griffin started hosting a local access news programme titled ‘You Know What Really Grinds My Gears' where he complains about things – and people – that wind him up.
While Peter's pet peeves include things like ‘Lindsay Lohan' and ‘when you can't find the droids that you're looking for' my own list would be way more off-road related. So without further ado...
#1: Minibikes
To be honest I don't mind minibikes so much – just the people that use them irresponsibly. While perusing Facebook the other day I came across a promotional video from what I thought was a fairly legitimate minibike brand starring two riders tearing up the countryside. No harm there then you might think?
Except for the fact they were riding in an area that had ‘no motorcycles' signs everywhere before moving on to what looked like green lanes and public roads.
The whole thing stank of banditry and if that's okay then I can't wait to see Yamasakonduki jump on the bandwagon with a wheelie gang video – the message being buy a brand new YRZX250F and you can do badass stunts through your local shopping centre.
It ain't ever gonna happen...
#2: Helmetless riders
Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing someone riding a motorbike without a helmet on.
It's even worse when it's someone ‘test riding' their bike on the street after repairing a sticky throttle.
Even worse than that is when responsible adults allow their kids to do it. Life is precious and human beings – even those with rocks for brains – are pretty damn fragile so why take unnecessary risks?
#3: The words ‘motorcross' and ‘Motor-X'
#4: NIMBYs
People who move next to a thing and then complain about it being noisy, smelly or ugly ought to be shot into the sun from a cannon.
It's a different matter if something unpleasant is dropped on their doorstep afterwards and in that case they have every right to complain...
#5: Post-race fisticuffs
Racing's racing and any stress caused by it needs leaving on the track. If you're upset about the way someone passed you then either get 'em back in the next moto or get used to feeling secure in the fact that you just had your ass handed to you.
There's definitely no need for shouting or scrapping about it afterwards...
#6: Moaners
Unless it's your job (in which case well done you) then riding dirt bikes is meant to be fun. So bloody well enjoy it and if you're not enjoying it then have a weekend off or go and try knitting or something instead because I really don't wanna hear all about it.
People are allowed to moan about having stuff stolen, traffic to and from the track and the exorbitant price of Krispy Kreme donuts though.
Am I a hypocrite for moaning about people who moan?