Tough on us and on them

By TMX Archives on 18th Jan 13


Well, I had a cushy number the previous weekend with the Sheffield Indoor Trial, which is pretty good whatever the weather.


In fact even the weather was kind this time round. Heading back to the north west at around midnight from Sheffield can often get a bit hairy on the M62.
But it was a nice clear night so the editorial barge was barrelling along nicely.
Having had it cushy it was only right that we tempt fate and set sail last weekend for a good dose of fresh air, courtesy of The Tough One extreme enduro in north Wales.
And so, as they say, it was a case of Winter Draws On and set the compass due south. 
Heading down the M6 early doors Saturday morning was actually quite pleasant and the further south we went the brighter the sunshine, the more blue the sky and the more dry the roads.
What a day this was going to be!
But, can you Adam and Eve it, the second we turned left off the M56 and into the bit that says ‘Welcome to Wales' the temperature instantly dropped five degrees, the blue skies were replaced by black clouds and before I could hit the windscreen wipers it was actually snowing. 
Err, was this such a great idea after all? Was there a Plan B?
Whatever, plough on, park up, break out the arctic gear and get out there!
The Tough One is an event that you have to really get involved in. And right from the Le Mans style start (where Alexz Wigg showed the field a clean pair of heels) we were up and running. 
Or at least I tried to but was viciously tripped by a laughing John Lampkin and only just saved going full length in the s**t. 
I think I've said this before (it's the Alzheimer's you see) but while riding The Tough One is, well, tough, spectating is a darrned sight harder. 
I mean, you try traversing (that's like walking across) a near vertical quarry face, covered in mud (yes me, not the quarry) while balancing a camera, cheeseburger and styrofoam cup of coffee – and stay on your feet. 
It's damned near impossible I can tell you...
But between us spectators and the riders, who deserve at least some credit, we all managed to overcome everything Tough One organiser Steve Ireland put in our way – and he's an inventive kind of guy – to come away triumphant.
Seriously, hats off to Steve who just gets down and dirty and puts on a mega event. And max points to the marshalling team at The Root of all Evil part of the course for keeping the event on the move against all odds. There were times when I laughed until my ribs could take no more.
It is an amazing event and if you haven't been to watch all I can say is, don't miss it next year.

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