Trials Torque: It’s a Britt full now
By Team TMX on 13th Jan 16

IT was only last week that we ran the lead story in Trials Torque regarding the fact that Regs for the Vic Brittain trial were available.
And already we have to inform you that the 100 entry limit has not only been reached but that the famous South Shropshire MCC event, which will run on Sunday, January 31, has a reserve list of 10 riders.
The power of the press!
The former National season opener will be run under an Open permit and will represent a round of the Midland Centre Championship.
It will still be run as a traditional Road Trial, starting from Cleobury North – Shropshire. Mark Wells and his team have been busy finding new ground
The start will be at Cleobury North Village Hall, WV16 6RP and the first rider will be flagged away at 9.30am, followed by the rest in pairs, at one-minute intervals.
The method of marking for this trial will be TSR22B, No Stop.
The lucky lads and lasses with a ride are advised to take their own fuel, as petrol is not available at the start.
The full entry, reserve list and the fact that there will be many more riders who may have entered (the closing date wasn't until January 23) brings us round to what was a point of much discussion last season – riders not turning up for events.
At virtually every National last season there were some riders entered who simply didn't turn up.
At some events the numbers were really on the silly side with more than 20 none arrivals.
You could argue, "What does it matter, the club have had the entry fee?”
But that totally misses the point that in events that have been oversubscribed you have effectively done someone out of a ride.
So, if you have an entry in the Vic Brittain – or any other event throughout the coming season – that you know you not be able to make PLEASE contact the organisers as soon as possible and they may well be able to make another rider extremely happy, as well as starting the event with a full-house.