Watson the box?

By TMX Archives on 3rd May 07


WELL it's official! The hottest April on record is done and dusted and the Elite Youth Cup could well be the hottest and best Youth ticket in town if round one is anything to go by.

With truly outstanding organization at Matchams Park, the ChrisBarker lead Elite Cup team put on a superb show. With TV cameras there,Saturday night tricked up' entertainment and a host of otherinnovative professional ideas, you got the distinct impression thatYouth motocross maybe heading in a new, improved, direction. Watch thisspace!

So, it was just down to the riders to do their bit and they did notdisappoint in what is fast becoming a classic season of Youthmotocross.

Nine-year-old Ben Watson was again the star of the fully loadedJunior 65cc class. With five superb race wins, the PAR KTM rider wassimply untouchable at times. Winning either from the first turn with ablistering burst of speed or fighting through the pack, Ben was in nomood for anything other than winning finishes.

It has to be said that the chasing pack was not far behind on twooccasions with Jack Heath and Oliver Osmaston doing their level best topost a race win. Jack, with three seconds and a third and a realfighting display, took second place overall with Oliver in fourth.There were other really good individual race performances from MaxAcres, Liam Knight, Corrie Southwood, Callum Cooper, Matty Callaghanand Chubbie Hammond who impressed with his speed to finish the weekendin a well earned third place overall.

With all the names mentioned above, you can see just how tight, fast and furious this class is.


Rd 1 - Matcham Park, Hants

Junior 65cc: 1 Ben Watson, 2 Jack Heath, 3 Chubby Hammond, 4 Oliver Osmaston, 5 Liam Knight, 6 Callum Cooper.

Small-wheel 85cc: 1 Scott Aldridge, 2 Jammie Mc Canney, 3 Dan Thornhill, 4 Andrew Reid, 5 James Dunn, 6 Luke Dean.

Big-wheel 85cc: 1 James Hutchinson, 2 Dan Hutchinson, 3 Sam Davis, 4 Richie Worrall, 5 Chris "Turbo" Taylor 6 Daniel McCanney.

Senior 125cc: 1 Lewis Tombs, 2 David Games, 3 Will Worden, 4 Ryan King, 5 Lewis Abbott, 6 Nathan Rooks.

Open: 1 Matt Moffat, 2 Alex Rockwell, 3 Josh Waterman, 4 Mel Pocock, 5 Joe Gregory, 6 Ashley Harland.

Next Round - June 23/24, Finningley, Nr Doncaster.

For full report, results and pictures see T+MX NEWS, Friday, may 4, 2007.

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