...and it’s hello from him!
By TMX Archives on 2nd Apr 14

The most terrifying moment of any mans life is when he stands in front of his significant others parents for the very first time as they weigh him up and make that decision of whether hes worthy of dating their beloved daughter or not.
And that's a similar kind of fear to what I'm facing right now as I present myself to you all as the brand-new editor of TMX.
TMX editors are a pretty rare thing and over the 37 years that this fine publication has been running there's actually only been four of 'em – that's founder Bill Lawless, Mannix Devlin, John Dickinson and for one week n' counting, this guy!
Since both Bill and JD enjoyed such lengthy innings (Mannix made a conscious decision to step back from the Ed's chair to concentrate on keeping things running smooth behind the scenes – which he's done from day one and suspect he'll continue to do for ever and ever and ever) I'm hoping to be here for a very long time n'all.
Believe it or not, TMX has always been a massive part of my life and so I'm immensely proud to be joining the team responsible for giving us off-road fans something interesting to read week in week out since 1977.
When TMX was originally launched I was just a wee toddler and obviously couldn't read but my parents lined my cage with old issues so I still got some use from them.
That's a joke of course – they used MCNs in my cage and put the collection/hoard of TMXs in the loft where I discovered them some years later...
From those early editions through to when I started competing myself in the late '80s, TMX has always been an essential read and I've lost count of the number of times I've scoured the Regulations Available pages for somewhere sweet to compete, bought and sold bikes with the Classifieds bit and celebrated my miniscule amount of victories – and way more frequent failures – in the main sports reports section that remains un-named.
Hmmm, might have to look into that one...
While I've always been a big fan of the product, one thing that I've not always appreciated is the amount of hard work and passion that goes into creating TMX each and every week – for the past 1,951 weeks! While many people think that there's a huge team working up here at TMX Towers that's an outright lie and it's actually a small but very dedicated team of individuals who get TMX to the printers on time each and every time.
So please join me in raising a big cheer for Mannix (and JD of course), Alan, Beth, David, Jason, Allan, Sean and Hank to thank them all for a job well done.
I know how passionate TMX readers are about what we do too, so let us know what you think about the paper and its contents by dropping me an email at anthony.sutton@jpress.co.uk.