Honda's on da road
By TMX Archives on 8th Jul 11

American Honda Motor Co. announced a number of 2012 off road models last weekend, including TRX450R and TRX250X sport ATVs.
The ATV related part of the release reads:
The TRX450R stands tall as one mighty, impressive machine, having won races in virtually every form of ATV racing, as well as racking up a string of exciting wins in the grueling Baja 1000. At the same time, these remarkable performance credentials also keep the TRX450R at the top of the popularity charts for recreational riders too. Availability: September
Aggressive, race-inspired styling gives the TRX250X a distinctly sporty look. In addition, new Maxxis Razr Vantage tires add to the aggressive image while adding improved sport performance. And thanks to a torquey powerplant and Honda's innovative and easy-to-use SportClutch plus other great features, this fun-to-ride midsized machine remains a favourite among beginners as well as long time riders. Availability: TBD
Honda UK recently informed us that it was not active in the ATV sports and leisure markets and does not wish to promote in those markets.
So the door appears to be open to private and commercial imports from the USA. For further information on the new models go to: