Hungry like the Wolves
By TMX Archives on 26th Jul 07

WITH others falling by the wayside and many more cancellations than events actually running, Wolverhampton and DAC event at Hungry Hill was packed with riders from far and near. Club chairman, Mike Penn, never wavered in his determination to make sure the event ran no matter what.
Despite torrential downpours in the days precedingthe meeting, the Hungry Hill venue was in relatively good shape.Relatively being the operative word. The paddock was accessible forriders arriving at the event but it was always known that many wouldneed some help to leave.
The track was in great shape, in parts. In othersit wasn't so great with huge mud pools, which got deeper with eachpassing bike, and ruts aplenty plus dozens of natural whoops, whichincreased in ferocity, as the day went on. Because of the nature of theHungry Hill track the high points had drained well and were nearperfect, but the water had to go somewhere and the lower points of thecourse were dire.
In truth, it was amazing that the meeting ran, butwith so many cancellations over the last few weeks most of the riderswere simply glad to get out there, no matter what the conditions.
The weather was kind - only one brief shower -with glorious sunshine as everyone was packing up, but the day haddragged on, even though races were cut to ten-minutes right from thestart, many lasted for more than 25-minutes as back-markers struggledto complete a lap and cross the finish line.
A few riders failed to show, but there was alate-entry waiting list across the board, which quickly filled emptyspaces on the gate. As the club decided to run only two blocks itquickly became apparent that a win and a finish would get you into thetrophies.
SOUTH STAFFS GROUP AMCA MX Hungry Hill (Wolverhampton and DAC)
Inter Junior: 1 Rian Warren, 2 Grant Harrison, 3 Jack Arrowsmith.
Junior Unlimited Group One: 1 James Bishop, 2 Mike Skellern, 3 Ian Skelding.
Junior Unlimited Group Two: 1 Matt Maund, 2 Andy Totney, 3 Ross Evans.
Junior Unlimited Group Three: 1 Ash Clewes, 2 Jack France, 3 Trent Tomlinson.
Senior Unlimited Group One: 1 Kyle Smith, 2 Adam Wells, 3 Tom Arnold.
Senior Unlimited Group Two: 1 Chris Hill, 2 Andrew Girling, 3 Daren Llewellyn.
Expert Unlimited Group One: 1 Dale Halls, 2 Andy Marchant, 3 Tom Fish.
Expert Unlimited Group Two: 1 James Gordon, 2 Dave Livesey, 3 James Shand.
For full report, results and pictures see T+MX NEWS, Friday, July 27, 2007.