New riders and sponsors for official KMUK MX team

By TMX Archives on 22nd Feb 10


Attracting deserved attention for their success and professionalism in recent years, official Kawasaki Motors UK MX team, LPE Kawasaki, have a stellar rider and sponsor partner line up for the coming season.

Fielding Kristian Whatley in MX2 and the RedBull Pro Nationals, thefour rider team is completed by Lee Dunham also in MX2 in the AMCABritish Championship and IMBA Euro Champs, plus the duo of Jordan Roseand Wayne Smith attacking MX1 in the British Championship and Red BullPro Nationals.

Recently confirming the blue chip support of two hugely respectedcompanies, the new team has been christened Maxxis Henderson LPEKawasaki.

Widely recognised and respected for their dedication to the sport, theprofile of the new outfit is set to assume an even higher mantle thisyear according to owner, Steve James.

"Lee is a class act, he's been associated with Kawasaki for as longas I can remember. We are focussed on delivering all that he and theother riders need to compete and succeed in what will undoubtedly be anexciting and hard fought season. We aim to repeat the success that Lee,Kristian, Jordan and Wayne have already enjoyed and help them add somemore silverware to their trophy cabinets”.

Linking up with motocross stalwarts Maxxis is just one aspect of thepromotion of the new team according to James; but fundamental to theirongoing plans.

"The guys at Maxxis have such a passion for the sport and are alwaysexploring innovative ways of promoting their products whilst at thesame time giving something in return. As part of our new associationwith them we are obviously hoping to raise their profile even further”.

With continued support from Steve James's own company, plant hirefirm LPE, the final part of the new "team triangle” is insurancespecialist Henderson. Based in Humberside, Henderson has wide sportinginterests and James is especially pleased to have their support forwhat will be the team's most challenging year so far.

"Henderson Insurance is a household name and their interest in oursport – and our team in particular – gives us all a real boost. Now wehave the Maxxis Henderson LPE Kawasaki squad set up it's just a matterof delivering the goods!”

Highlighting the significance of the deal from a Kawasaki perspective,Racing Coordinator for Kawasaki Motors UK, Ross Burridge, sees the newstructure as fundamental to future growth.

"You've got to take your hat off to Steve and his whole team. Theyhave grafted to get to where they are now and understand the need toconstantly strive to improve their performance both on and off thetrack. We wish the team and its partners the most successful seasonpossible”.



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