Sidcup MCC - Dick Dickenson Trial

By Dick Law on 7th Nov 23

News Trials

GASGAS rider Thomas Moss rode both laps of 18 sections of the Sidcup club’s Dick Dickenson trial without loss last Sunday. That’s 36 sections on the hills around the club's famous Canada Heights motocross track without putting a foot down, not even once.

Ashley Newbery took second place in the Expert class behind winner Thomas Moss

Laying out a trial in this country at this time of year is always a problem most clubs have to deal with, but a week before the event, with wind and rain lashing the hillside venue, and with the weather forecast not looking that good, the hardworking club members laid out the event with all that information in mind. But, as we all know, the weather changes and the day before the trial, the sun came out, and the wind dried out the sections. Hence the low-scoring trial.

Luckily, Moss was the only rider to clean the trial and was awarded the historic Simmons Cup, without even getting his boots muddy.

Celeste Phillips concentrates hard as she navigates the Youth course on her OSET

Three-time cup winner, including last year, Ashley Newbery (TRRS), started his day off well and was notching up clean after clean until Section 16 on the opening lap, where he slipped up and recorded a three. He cleaned that section on his second attempt, but disaster struck Newbery again at Section 12, where he recorded an unexpected five after cleaning the section on lap one. This gave him an event total of eight, which dropped him to the runner-up position.

Ben Smith (Beta) and Jack Stiles (GASGAS) were difficult to split in third and fourth as they both finished the trial with the loss of just 11 marks – it was down to the most numbers of clean sections to decide the final finishing order.

Dave Kent has this section licked

Smith had a two on section two and a disastrous five on section seven. He had a couple of single dabs for the rest of the lap for a total of nine marks lost. On his second lap, he once again lost two on Section Two and cleaned the rest of the lap, giving him an event total of 11.

Stiles, in contrast, had three single dabs and a two on his opening lap for five marks lost and started lap two with a two and a dab. He then cleaned the rest till two sections from the end of the trial, where he had a three for his total of 11. Smith had 31 cleans while Stiles had 29.

Alex Davies gives his 4RT some gas

Gavin Cooper (GASGAS) won the slightly easier Expert B class dropping just three single dabs, all of which he acquired on lap one. He cleaned his second lap for a total of three marks lost.

A five on his first attempt at Section 11 cost Brodie Branch (Beta) the class win as he completed the rest of the trial for a couple of dabs. He finished on seven marks lost – four behind the winner Cooper.

Ben Smith searches for traction in the autumnal leaves

Mark Reason (Beta) doesn’t mess about. He cleaned all but three of the 36 sections. Unfortunately, the three he didn’t clean were all fives, giving him a total of 15 marks lost as he took third in class.

Only six marks separated the top four in the Intermediate class as Matthew Godden, on an old SWM, took the win against a field of modern machines with a loss of just nine marks, all of which were ones and twos scattered about the trial. Jason Arnold (TRRS) was second, four points behind Godden, with Michael Hollyer (TRRS) and Jack Taylor (Beta) in third and fourth, all separated by a single mark.

Robert Stevenson battles this tricky hazard

Tony Dobbs (Montesa) had a four-point win over Kevin Miller (TRRS) in the Intermediate B class with Marc Taylor (Beta) third, just two behind Miller.

Kurt Gigney (Beta) won the hotly contested Novice class with David Little (Beta) and Sean Cuckow (GASGAS) second and third, separated by a single dab.

Grace Dark eyes up her next move

Holeshot PR head honcho Harley Stephens (Beta) won the Over 40 class riding the Blue route with the loss of just six marks, a score that would have seen him winning the Intermediate class. Jon Allen (GASGAS) was second, five behind the winner, Stephens, with Richard Brush (TRRS) third.

Warren Eves (Montesa) won the Over 50s, riding the Red route with the loss of six, and once again, a score that would have seen him win the Novice class. Andrew Randell (GASGAS) was second, with Brian Thomas (Beta) third.

Jason Arnold concentrates hard 

Steve Mannerings won the small twinshock group riding the Blue route, while Daniel Burton (Aprilia) won the Pre67 Twinshock class riding the Red route.

Samuel Le Fevre (Beta) was the only youth rider to attempt the Expert route and finished on a respectable 60-mark score.

Rowan Dean (Beta) won the Youth Intermediate B class, while Flynn Joyce (Beta) won the Youth Novice group.

Matthew Godden rode his SWM in the Intermediate class 

Ken Cross (Montesa) won the Sportsman class, while Charlie Gigney (Beta) took top honours in the Youth Sportsman class.

The Geezer on a Beezer - Thomas Bartrum

Sidcup MCC Dick Dickenson Trial 2023 Results


1Thomas MossGASGAS0 marks lost
2Ashley NewberyTRRS8
3Ben SmithBeta11 (31 Cleans)
4Jack StilesGASGAS11 (29 Cleans)
5Dean HeathfieldSherco17
6Alex DavisMontesa26
7Scott WilsonGASGAS39
8Liam SeamerTRRS45
9Rebert StevensonTRRS50

Expert B

1Gavin CooperGASGAS3
2Brodie BranchBeta7
3Mark ReasonBeta15
4Simon LevettBeta16


1Matthew GoddenSWM9
2Jason ArnoldTRRS13
3Michael HollyerTRRS14
4Jack TaylorBeta15
5Thomas BartrumBSA21
6Thomas NorrisGASGAS25
7Mark RobinsonTRRS29
8 David KentVertigo42
9 Grace DarkTRRS46
10 Aaron SeamerTRRS47

Intermediate B

1Tony DobbsMontesa11
2Kevin MillerTRRS15
3Marc TaylorBeta17
4Jonathan AndressTRRS21
5Douglas NorrisScorpa24
6Phillip StewartMontesa32 (23 Cleans, 6 Ones)
7Terry LilleyMontesa32 (23 Cleans, 5 Ones)
8Neil HouckhamMontesa34
9John BirdSherco39
10Derek BakerBeta43


1Kurt GigneyBeta10
2David LittleBeta14
3Sean CuckowGASGAS15
4David GriffithsEM16
5Marcus WrightBeta17
6Emma ThompsonSherco21
7Mark TealFantic25
8Robert HeadScorpa28
9Tim TaylorScorpa30
10Tom KempTRRS38

Over 40 (Blue Route)

1Harley StephensBeta6
2Jon AllenGASGAS11
3Richard BrushTRRS14
4Chris AndersonTRRS15
5Jonathan SturdeyGASGAS17 (28 Cleans)
6Adam MarshallGASGAS17 (28 Cleans)
7Michael NutbrownBeta19 (28 Cleans)
8Lee BrocklehurstGASGAS19 (27 Cleans)
9Shaun WallisGASGAS19 (25 Cleans)
10Richard JohnsonEM33

Over 50 (Red Route)

1Warren EvesMontesa6
2Andrew RandellGASGAS9
3Brian ThomasBeta12
4Alan CoulterTRRS16
5Allan LownSherco22
6Jason CliffordMontesa26
7Paul CuckowSherco27
8Gareth ClareMontesa32
9 Roy BeattyGASGAS33 (23 Cleans)
10Graham KnowlerMontesa33 (18 Cleans)

Twinshock (Blue Route)

1Steve ManneringsTRRS9
2Simon BirdYamaha14
3Chris DarkSWM34

Pre-67 Twinshock (Red Route)

1Daniel BurtonAprilla7
2Graham BaylisFrancis Barnet8
3Geoff MustonMontesa12
4Trevor TownFrancis Barnet15
5Antony MartinTriumph22

Youth Expert

1Samuel Le FavreBeta60

Youth Intermediate B

1Rowan DeanBeta20
2Edward MowatGASGAS27
3Samuel KentGASGAS77

Youth Novice

1Flynn JoyceBeta21
2Ronny TaylorScorpa27
3Lilly WrightBeta40
4Amelia MundaySherco49
5Tristan PhippsBeta96


1Ken CrossMontesa30
2Joe MundaySherco37
3Ian GibbinsBeta50

Youth Sportsman

1Charlie GigneyBeta16
2Celeste PhippsOSET23
3Max RobinsonBeta26
4Hector KempOSET28
5Max IsardOSET31
6Willow KempBeta35
7Ethan MundayBeta42

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