A good Peace of action

By TMX Archives on 25th May 07


BRITISH Youth trials talent made the long trek across the solent to the Isle of Wight last weekend as the Isle of Wight MCC staged the long awaited second round of the British Youth C & D Trials Championship at the challenging Knighton Sandpit venue.

A good entry made the trip across the water to theevent, but it was opening round victors Luke Walker, Dan Peace and JackPeace who dominated proceedings once again to extend their respectivechampionship leads.

Sherco-mounted Walker dropped just 12 marks totake a three mark win in C class over closest championship rival, Betastar Jack Burch, while Dec Bullock put a second Sherco on the podium inthird with a loss of 20.

Dan Peace was a level above the competition in theMedium-wheel division of the D class and scored a comfortable winaboard his Beta with a loss of 10 marks, nine clear of fellow Betarider Michael Todd who just edged out Thomas Minta for the runner-upspot on the most cleans rule.

Nine was the winning margin in the Small-wheel Dclass too, and it was another Peace doing the winning also as JackPeace reigned supreme. His 42 mark loss on the Gas Gas saw him run outa comfortable winner over TY80 mounted Aldis Blacker, while ElliottTickner claimed the final podium position.

The series continues in two weeks time as Richmond MC play host at Marrick Abbey Farm near Reeth.


Rd 2 - Knighton Sandpit, (Isle of Wight MCC)

YOUTH C: Luke Walker (MRS Sherco) 12 marks lost,Jack Burch (OAS Beta) 15, Dec Bullock (MRS Sherco) 20, Jack Stones(Repsol Beta) 22, Robert Waite (JLI Beta) 25, Joe Clements (Beta) 28,Blair Rodber (RCM Beta) 31, Chris Alford (JLI Beta) 37, SamuelBeecroft-Penny (Sherco) 44 (18x0), Ryan Laughton (Sherco) 44 (14x0),Connor Evans (Sherco) 47, Toby Percy (Beta) 48, Brad Allen (Sherco) 50,Jonny Stewart (Kelcoat Beta) 52, James Stones (Gas Gas) 57,...

SERIES STANDINGS after 2 (of 8) rounds: 1 Walker40 points, 2 Burch 34, 3 Jack Stones 28, 4 Dec Bullock 25, 5 Waite 22,6 Clements 19, 7 Rodber 17, 8 Roberts 13, 9 Alford 13, 10 Laughton10,...

YOUTH D MEDIUM-WHEEL: Dan Peace (Beta) 10 markslost, Michael Todd (FeetUp Beta) 19, Thomas Minta (Clipic) 19, LeamFenn (Beta) 51, Ben Read (Beta) 57, Curtis Fitzsimmons (Gas Gas) 62,Oliver Hutsby (Beta) 88.

SERIES STANDINGS after 2 (of 8) rounds: 1 DanPeace 40 points, 2 Todd 34, 3 Minta 30, 4 Fenn 26, 5 Fitzsimmons 21, 6Hutsby 18, 7 Read 11, 8 Ryan Shacklady 10.

YOUTH D SMALL-WHEEL: Jack Peace (50 Gas Gas) 42marks lost, Aldis Blacker (80 Yamaha) 51, Elliott Tickner (80 Yamaha)110, Joe Dawson (80 Yamaha) 118, Aidan Bowker (50 Clipic) 146.

SERIES STANDINGS after 2 (of 8) rounds: 1 JackPeace 40 points, 2 Blacker 34, 3 Dawson 28, 4 Tickner 28, 5 Ben Turner11, 6 Bowker 11.

Jun 9 - Marrick Abbey Farm, Marrick, nr Reeth, Yorks (Richmond MC (Yorks).

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