Illegal riders caught

By TMX Archives on 12th Dec 07


ON Sunday, WOR Events chief, Steve Ireland, caught some riders illegally using one of the organisations North Wales-based forest venues. The track team were in the forest planning and preparing for a forthcoming event and collared the riders at the forest entrance. As a result these riders have now been banned from WOR for life. The reason the organisation has come down so hard on these individuals is to show others that put genuine off-road venues at risk by such illegal activity comes with a high price.
Steve has also been informed of the names of other individuals who have been trespassing in these woods on a regular basis and plans to challenging them.
As usual the old excuse of: "I was told we could ride here!” came out with a load of other excuses.
Steve Ireland: "I know better than most that there are not enough places to ride and it is something that WOR will be working on in future – permanent practice facilities – but for the riders that are just blatantly going out and riding around private forests, venues that we work so hard to secure from landowners and estate managers, I will make a pledge of naming and shamming the offenders and issuing the ban through our organisation.
"If one of these ‘muppets' hit a tree and broke their neck, while in a place they should not be, or even worse, hit a horse or a member of the public walking their dog etc, just think of the implications – lost venues and irate land-owners becoming involved in legal cases that they had nothing to do with.”
The message is clear. Keep out of ANY private venues and ride your bikes responsibly. WOR runs so many events just to satisfy the riders' needs, not to let idiots return and ruin venues.
Steve continued: "We will now be keeping a close eye on all our venues. You have been warned!
"To all the decent guys and girls that don't ride illegally, thanks for reading this and keep vigilant for us.”

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