Tordoff NETTS the win

By TMX Archives on 3rd May 07


THE NETT Quad championship got of to a good start recently at Blue Barns Moto Park, Rowley, near Consett, Co Durham.This meeting included the first Youth Quad racing to be held on British soil run under ACU jurisdiction. There were classes for all youths racing in the six to 16-year-old age bracket.

The first class was 100-200cc, which had the 200cc Standard which went to Abbie Walton.

Modified 200cc went to little Andrew Lawton. In the 250cc four-strokesclass, it was the flying Cumbrian Wayne Tyson on his KIK Honda in topspot with James Hellewell on his Yamaha second. These three classes rantogether but were scored separately.

Then it was the big boys out in the Adult Championship class with sometop British championship contenders, namely Lindsey Duke, RickyTordoff, Willie Waggott and young Leon Beda. However, the man that wason top form on the day with some good hard racing was the quiet man, Ricky Tordoff, on his Anderson ATV Suzuki. Ricky posted three wins from three starts.

Then there was the 50cc-100cc boys which incorporated three differentcategories racing together but scored separately. In the Standard Autogroup Mark Powell clinched top spot. The flying Jordon Corrigan toppedthe Modified Auto category while in the Geared class, Lee Lawton claimed victory on his 70cc mount.

The Adult Support class also incorporated an Over 40 Support class.Winner of the support class was David Coatsworth with three good racesscrapping with David Nixon. In the Support Over 40, Peter Savill wastop dog. There was a over 40s class in the adult championship as welland the top scorer was Mark Wolfenden on his Honda.

The final class of the day was the 50cc quads which with two groupsracing simultaneously - Modified and Production. The 50cc Productionclass was won by M O'Neil while 50cc Modified was won by the flyingRegan Carmichael.


Adult Championship: 1 Ricky Tordoff, 2 Leon Beda, 3 Paul Holmes, 4 Lindsey Duke, 5 Willie Waggott, 6 Michael Taggart.

Adult Support: 1 D Coatsworth, 2 D Nixon, 3 I Tait, 4 J Chew, 5 P Savill, 6 D Emmerson.

Adult champion Over 40: 1 M Wolfendon, 2 S Walton, 3 I Neill.

Adult Support Over 40: 1 P Savill, 2 M Alberti, 3 G Tomlinson.

100-200cc Auto Production: 1 A Walton, 2 J Thornborrow, 3 M Bruce.

100-200cc Modified: 1 A Lawton, 2 O Walton, 3 S Gowaski.

250cc Four-stroke: 1 W Tyson, 2 J Hellewell.

50-100cc Auto Production: 1 M Powell, 2 J Puska, 3 Z Neill.

50-100cc Modified: 1 J Corrigan, 2 A Britton, 3 R Wilkinson.

50-100cc Geared: 1 L Lawton, 2 J Straughan.

50cc Auto Production: 1 M O'Neil, 2 H Forster, 3 S Williamson.

50cc Modified: 1 R Carmichael.

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