Registration risk to off-road sport
By John Dickinson on 22nd Mar 07

THE motorcycle off-road movement in its entirety is gearing-up to fight an outrageous piece of legislation which has the aim of seeing every single motorcycle, regardless of its intended use and including competition bikes, fully road-legal and road-registered! Under current law this would mean that they must all comply with the same rules as road-bikes and carry an identifying legal number plate at all times!
The proposed new law has been tabled by Labour MP Graham Stringer asa heavy-handed and seemingly ill-conceived means of combatting theillegal use of urban teenage tearaways who terrorise people and causenuisance, usually on cheap Chinese-sourced mini-bikes - but does nottry to distinguish between those machines and other types of nonroad-going vehicles, including competition machines used in a purelylegal and organised off-road environment.
The proposed law, known as The Off Road Vehicles (Registration)Bill, has amazingly already succeeded in passing through a secondreading in the House of Commons and could become law in some form. Thequestion is, how many ammendments (if any) can the Government bepersuaded to include to safeguard the future of off-road sport?
So make your protest by clicking on the link below and sign the on-line petitonNOW!
For full story see T+MX NEWS, Friday, March 23, 2007.