Rober' steals the Nostalgia glory
By TMX Archives on 22nd Aug 07

THE weather Gods smiled on this year's Kendal Classic club's Nostalgia Scramble, staged at Middleton, near Sedbergh, on Sunday, just enough for a frantic 30-race programme of sheer entertainment that was completed with just one short shower.
Star of the meeting and winner of both Pre-70classes, where he had some tremendous tussles with Carl Pope, and thePre-74 Over 250 class was Andy Roberton who put on a scintillatingdisplay for the large crowd of enthralled spectators.
It was the Pre-60 boys up first and Steve Gagg,with two seconds, took the overall from first race winner Peter Jacksonon his thundering BSA Gold Star. In third was last year's winner PhilEdwards.
Fast-gating Mick Beech managed to split father andson John and Tim Dallaway in the Pre-65 350 class but it was Oxford'sKevin Allen who looked a possible winner until a poor last race spoiledhis chances.
The bigger Pre-65 class produced some memorabledices between the two big-hitters Tim Manton and Terry Challinor withTerry's two wins to Tim's one just tipping the balance.
The Pre-70 class produced some marvellous racingbetween Roberton and Pope with Andy getting the verdict by two wins toone. In third, after a good battling ride, was local lad Keith Barnesmounted on the injured Steve Dent's Faber BSA.
Nostalgia Scramble
Middleton, near Sedbergh (Kendal CC)
Pre-60: 1 Steve Gagg (650 Tribsa), 2 Peter Jackson (500 BSA), 3 Phil Edwards (500 Triumph).
Pre-65 350: 1 John Dallaway (BSA), 2 Mick Beech (BSA), 3 Tim Dallaway (BSA).
Pre-65 Over 350: 1 Terry Challinor (650 Triumph Metisse), 2 Tim Manton (500 BSA), 3 Dave Cooper (650 Triumph Metisse).
Pre-70 Unlimited: 1 Andy Roberton (500 BSA), 2 Carl Pope (500 BSA), 3 Keith Barnes (500 BSA).
Pre-74 250: 1 John Price (Honda), 2 Gerard Copping (CZ), 3 Aaron Dent (BSA).
Pre-74 Over 250: 1 Andy Roberton (500 BSA), 2 Brian Littler (380 CZ), 3 Wayne Partington (510 Husky).
Pre-77 Unlimited: 1 Patrick Iddon (400 Yamaha), 2 Tom Anderson (400 Husky), 3 Jem Parker (360 Husky).
CCM Pre-76: 1 Tony Barnes, 2 Scott Maxwell, 3 Trevor Dart.
CCM Post-75: 1 Jimmy Aird, 2 Ian Charlton, 3 Rob Spry.
Twin-shock Bandits: 1 Martin Snape (490 Maico), 2 Peter Lightfoot (490 Maico), 3 Rob Butler (250 Suzuki).
Twin-shock Pirates: 1 Walter Bickmore (490 Maico), 2 Alan Eaves (490 Maico), 3 Mark Silvester (490 Maico).
For full report, results and pictures see T+MX NEWS, Friday, August 24, 2007.