Trials Torque: Kia Twin-shock entries on the up
By Jason Bellinger on 9th Mar 16

THE 2016 KIA National Twin-shock series looks set to break all records as last Saturday, entries for the Congleton clubs opening round, which will take place on Sunday, March 20, burst through the 100 barrier at a gallop with regs still going out and entries still pouring in!
Interest in this increasingly popular series, which is low on officialdom and high on fun factor, and now entering its third year, has been buzzing all year and the proof that it hasn't all been hot air is in that monster entry that is still growing! But if you haven't yet entered don't give up, the more the merrier.
Defending 2015 KIA Twinshock British Champions already entered include Steve Bird, Stephen Bisby, Rob Faulkner and Gerry Minshall. Fellow champ David Braithwaite is recuperating from illness so best wishes from all go to the Beamish Suzuki rider.
KIA classes include Classic Spanish plus other Pre-'78 machines, an Open Twinshock class, Pre-72 Britshock and Air-cooled mono. If you have converted a monoshock machine to twinshocks you will still ride in the Air-cooled mono class. If you are not sure which class your bike fits in just check out the National twinshock championship website.
An innovation this year is a fledgling suck-it-and-see 100cc class and much interest surrounds it as we await the turnout of riders and machines. Is it the future?
We are informed that there is a great mix of entries already for the Congleton opener which takes place at their excellent Mow Cop venue where two laps of 20 sections awaits.
The full 2016 KIA National Twinshock Championship series comprises nine rounds including a two-day round courtesy of the Northallerton club on July 30/31 and a return to the Scottish borders where the fantastic Newcastleton venue awaits and has been expanded to incorporate a fun trial on the Saturday and no doubt a fun-packed Saturday night!
We will bring you a full opening round preview in next week's paper and of course a full report with pics after the event...just make sure those bikes are nice and shiny after a winter's fettling...!