Trials Torque: Super men ready to fly

By John Dickinson on 6th Jul 16


YEADON Guiseley DMC are running a Supertrial at Addingham Moorside on Bank Holiday Monday, August 29.

The event, for the MacKenzie Trophy, is the third and last of the ACU Supertrial Championship series.

The enthusiastic Y&G club are no strangers to these events having run a similar Superstars Trial last year at the venue after they failed to get a British Championship round. 

Danny Cockshott will again mastermind the sections.

Entry limit is 30 riders and a total of 19 invitations have been sent to those riders registered for the ACU Championship class and those who finished in the top 10 in the final classification of the British Solo Trials Championship in 2015 as per the list issued by the ACU Trials & Enduro Committee dated May 2016.  

Priority of entry will be given to these riders up until the closing date of August 22. 

Any remaining available places (minimum of 11) will then be offered to other riders who have submitted an entry and in the date order their entry was received by the Secretary of the meeting.  

Any rider who falls into this category, cannot be guaranteed a ride, but all riders will be notified as soon as possible after the closing date on a first come, first served basis.

The course will comprise 10 sections and please note that practicing on land used for the trial before, during or after the event is forbidden and will result in disqualification.

All riders will take part in the qualification, which will comprise two laps. The highest placed eight riders will progress to the semi final. 

The highest placed four riders from the Semi will then take part in the Grand Final. 

The number of Sections for the Semi Final and Grand Final will be announced at the riders briefing.

There's good money up for grabs with the winner netting a cool £850 and the MackKenzie Trophy. 

Runner-up gets £500, third £200 and fourth a handy £100.

Check out the Yeadon Guiseley club website for full details of how to enter.

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